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1923 Maxim C1


Maxim Motor Company was a fire-fighting apparatus manufacturer based in Massachusetts. The company was founded in 1914 by Middleborough, MA Fire Chief Carlton Maxim. It became the Maxim Motor Division of Seagrave Fire Apparatus in 1956, but operated independently. It was bought and sold several times until it was closed at the end of 1989 due to competition. Currently, the Maxim brand name is owned by Greenwood Emergency Vehicles. The prototype C1 model had a 40hp engine in it and could carry 6 fire-fighters.

AmerCom Hobby is a Polish company that started off as a publisher but moved into the diecast vehicles market. Be careful when opening the package as it has to be opened from the bottom, and the model will readily fall out.

(external link: AmerCom Hobby)

The model is mounted to a plastic base with two screws on the underside.

The model is mostly plastic, with only a diecast internal frame. It is quite delicate. The detail quality is about medium. It is decorated for the Houston Fire Department.

None of the parts on the engine are removable. They are all molded in.

The wheels roll, but they are not straight and/or perpendicular to their axles, causing them to wobble when rolled.