The overall plan for this diorama is identical to my current layout. So, if you want to learn more about that, click on the "The Layout" button. The difference between this layout and both the previous and my current layout is the orientation of the track. I decided to set the straight track under the mine tipple at an angle to the front of the layout. This diagram shows the portion of the layout that this set of three modules was to cover. The gray-shaded buildings are the Hazel coal mine tipple and its incline over the Chartiers creek, with the mine entrance on the other side of the creek, going under Buffalo hill. The large pink-shaded building is the powerhouse for the mine. There are two water tanks across the tracks from the powerhouse. There is a walkway across the tracks on the second module, and there are several other buildings on the property. In the upper right corner is a small portion of the Fort Pitt buildings.
This layout was started on April 22, 2017, after I had completed the design shown here. Three modules, built out of 3/4" furniture-grade plywood, with indentations for modeling the Chartiers creek.