Tom Henderson, owner of Sidetracks, and former Houston S Gaugers club member, donated to the Houston S Gaugers this kit by American Model Builders. It is kit #78, the "Interlocking Tower". The Houston S Gaugers have a set of modules that form a double-track wye. To formally protect those intersecting tracks, a tower with tower operators are necessary. This kit will do nicely. The laser-cut kit comes in a nice, small plastic bag. Note that the owner of American Model Builders passed away in 2022, but in March 2024, Berkshire Valley Models had bought out the product line from the late-owner's estate, so the kit should be available again some time in the future.
This photo shows the parts that were found in the kit. The kit comes with a 6-page instruction sheet, which covers basic kit-construction advice, identification diagrams for the various parts, the construction instructions themselves, and a page with drawings showing each of the four sides. The kit parts consist of laser-cut basswood, laser-cut peel-n-stick sheets, laser-cut cardboard, laser-cut window "glass", and a white-metal vent pipe/smoke stack.