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Peter's Model Railroading | The PRR Chartiers Branch | Stops
Bower Hill Station

Kevin Trichtinger stated on a Yahoo! Groups mailing list about his photo, "This is the bridge over Chartiers Creek between Scott Township and Collier Township at Bower Hill, taken in February, 1977. The view is timetable west, geographically south, from the Scott Township side of the creek. The train at the top of the shot is on the former P&WV, by 1977, N&W, today, W&LE main line. The P&WV crossed over the PRR, Vanadium Road, and Chartiers Creek here, and the PC&Y would have crossed under about 50 yards behind where the lead locomotive is. By 1950, though, that branch of the PC&Y was gone. The Bower Hill station, a corrugated metal shed with a round window, like the window on an N5c, was on the right of the track in this photo, just past where the track disappears from view around the curve. It was gone by the time I took these shots. I last remember seeing it around the time of the PC merger. By then, it was painted dark green." Kevin's page, where he stated that, is now gone.

At Bower Hill, the "upper tracks" were owned by Wheeling and Lake Erie. The "lower tracks" were the Chartiers branch.
