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Fort Pitt Bridge Works

The Fort Pitt Bridge Works manufactured steel bridges and mill buildings, structural steel work and reinforcing steel for road work and buildings, pressed and welded heavy plate sections, and engineered and manufactured combustion systems for industrial furnaces.

The company started in 1896. In 1900 they provided structural steel for the Hazel Mine tipple. The company provided the steel used in the construction of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, D.C. In 1930 the Fort Pitt Bridge Works purchased the Massillon Bridge and Structural Steel Works of Massillon, Ohio. On January 1, 1946 the Fort Pitt Bridge Works became a wholly-owned subsidiary by the Electric Welding Company. The main facility was shut down in the 1960s. In 1986, what was left over from the company, was sold to Colonial Steel. The grounds where the factory stood, were renamed to Fort Pitt Industrial Park in 2006.

Joseph Andrews reported that the company shipped huge structural shapes using on 65' mill gondolas with the ends down and idler flats on each side. The structural shapes were almost always painted a bright orange (probably to keep them from rusting, and for safety).