In late 1949, various track changes were made on the Chartiers Branch between Houston and MP 9.6, which resulted in single-tracking of this portion of the line. This change was made because #1 track between Houston and MP 10.1 was re-designated an industrial track, with the remainder between MP 10.1 and MP 9.6 east of Bells Tunnel removed from service. #2 track was re-designated single main track between MP 9.6 and Houston. A spring switch was installed at MP 9.6, connecting #1 track with #2 track. Its normal position was set for eastward movements from the single track to #1 track. The switch was sprung to allow trailing (westward) movements from #2 track to the single track.
The Houston tower, marked as HN block, and interlocking station were located at milepost 15.2. It was the only staffed signal installation on the branch. Believed to have been built around 1904 and phased to part time operations in 1949, probably closed sometime shortly after that. The Spring, 1994 issue of The Keystone references that it was probably a two story structure.
There was a turning wye near Houston, so engines did not have to run in reverse. There was also a water tank there.